Triskell Interactive » Utopiales recap, posters & paperhouses

Utopiales recap, posters & paperhouses

09 Nov 2018
by Sinsem

Hello everyone!

It seems the promised article on Boulevards was never uploaded, but we have the perfect excuse. We were showing our games for 4 days straight last week during Les Utopiales.
We’re really happy, and really, really exhausted.
It was, as always, a pleasure to meet our players, talk a bit about what we try to do with Lethis – Path of Progress II. We’re still surprised to meet people who are following us since 2012, when we were working on amateur projects. Time does fly.

Teaching the new generation about the walker system

As you can see, we tried some new things for this booth, showing off posters on the wall. A few people bought some of them during the event, and this had us wonder: are you interested in that kind of stuff? If there is enough demand, we could set up some kind of an online store to let you buy the posters you want to decorate your place! Let us know in the comments or on our Discord:

Wouldn’t they look cool in your appartment?

We also gave away a few paperhouses. These are the same houses you’ll discover in Lethis – Path of Progress II, we’re thinking about trying that with other buildings as well. We still have a few left, so we’re going to organize a contest in the coming weeks to give them away, stay tuned!

The story doesn’t tell how long it took Noodle to build the house

Next time, we’re really going to talk about Boulevards, I promise!
Take care,



  • Eric on November 20, 2018 at 11:24 pm Reply

    I would love to hang these posters on my wall! I don’t have discord but I’m confident you’ll let us know if they’re ever made available in a store or on demand.

    Great work, keep it up!

    • Noodle on November 21, 2018 at 12:48 pm Reply

      Thank you very much for this comment!
      We will keep you informed on the devblog, no problem!

  • Sarbovan Ioan on November 9, 2018 at 9:07 pm Reply

    Great work guys,i really like this, contact me so we can develop a partnership

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