Triskell Interactive » Sinsem

28 Apr 2020
by Noodle

Lethis – PoP II on Twitch!

Hello everyone!

It seems that this blog has never been as active as it has been lately!
Today’s subject is:
Development, or at least graphic research, around Path of Progress II live on Twitch!

PSA: Lethis – Path of Progress II is not in active development, we’re still in production on our current game, so it’s basically researches, and stuff done in the evenings Read more

01 Apr 2020
by Noodle

Lethis at War

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re doing well in this time of containment.
On our side it doesn’t change much, we all work from home, so we can continue to develop our games without (almost any) worries.
On the other hand, I use this extra time to expand the Lethis universe a bit.

I have a lot of ideas, a lot of wishes too: the creation of an online store, a Lethis artbook etc…
But as I’m also a wargame player, and I’ve decided to challenge myself a bit: find miniatures that can be integrated into the Lethis universe, paint them with the colors of our universe and maybe create rules to be able to play them!

Read more

21 Feb 2020
by Noodle


Hello everyone!

It’s been a long time since we’ve been here, since October actually, and it’s time to dust off the place a bit.
First of all, Happy New Year!
I hope it brings you happiness and health.
May it be the year of courageous political decisions that will save the planet.
But we’re not going to dream too much either…

On our side, 2020 will be a busy year. We have a new team since September, with whom we have been working on the famous secret project we have already told you about here.
You’ll know more about it in a few months, and we can’t wait to tell you all about it.
As far as the studio and our games are concerned, apart from this big project, Lethis – Path of Progress continues its quiet life on the Nintendo Switch and has just landed in JAPAN!
Yes, yes, in Japan.
Right here:

It’s a bit of a dream come true, because Japan is a huge inspiration for the art lover that I am.
A brand-new logo was created for the occasion. Japanese people are very fond of Victorian design, and they liked the typography a lot!
The game sells relatively well on the Japanese E-Shop so we’re pretty happy about that too.

Our universe, I’m sure, can find its place in the land of the rising sun, and I hope we’ll have new opportunities in the future to showcase the world of Lethis.
The world of Lethis by the way is not dead. It continues to live behind the scenes, the background is growing, new projects arise (others die quietly…). We don’t have much time to devote to it unfortunately, but it is not abandoned, far from it.
I hope that in 2020 we’ll have the opportunity to talk about it again because the Lethis universe is really close to our hearts.

I’ll leave you here for now, I have a baby’s room to prepare… 



24 Oct 2019
by Noodle

Today’s the day!

Lethis – Path of Progress is officially available on Nintendo Switch (
We wouldn’t have imagined that when we started development on PC some 5 years ago.
Now, every time you want to scratch that city building itch, you can just pick up your console and play. In the bus or waiting for the bus, hidden in the bathroom during a boring family dinner, tucked in your bed instead of getting ready for work. The possibilities are endless!

As we said before, it’s basically the same game, the controls work better than we anticipated, we adjusted a few things to make it a bit easier to play but there is nothing you can do on the PC version that you can’t on the Switch.

It’s a great opportunity to rediscover the game, or even better, show it to people who don’t play on PC. There are not many city builders available on consoles, and we feel Lethis – Path of Progress can be a great entry to the genre.


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