Triskell Interactive » Lethis at War

Lethis at War

01 Apr 2020
by Noodle

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re doing well in this time of containment.
On our side it doesn’t change much, we all work from home, so we can continue to develop our games without (almost any) worries.
On the other hand, I use this extra time to expand the Lethis universe a bit.

I have a lot of ideas, a lot of wishes too: the creation of an online store, a Lethis artbook etc…
But as I’m also a wargame player, and I’ve decided to challenge myself a bit: find miniatures that can be integrated into the Lethis universe, paint them with the colors of our universe and maybe create rules to be able to play them!

As we draw a lot of inspiration from the Victorian era and the Second Empire, I went digging in historical miniature makers, at Wargames Foundry in particular, and I found French troops from 1870 that perfectly match Lethis Empire troops.
They were sculpted by Alan Perry, who worked a lot on Warhammer miniatures in the 90s.

I recovered some scenery I had made for other historical wargames and I made a little scene to show you the miniatures.
I’ll keep working on it, slowly increasing numbers and sets in the Lethis universe and thinking about simple rules. I think I’ll take inspiration from Star Wars Legion in particular, for connoisseurs 😉 

So I leave you in the company of Sergeant William Kerbot and his soldiers: 

It’s early morning when Sergeant Kerbot’s squad arrives in the village. The sun barely rises but already the men are working in the fields.
When the troop arrives, the village headman, Albert, rushes out to meet them.
The sergeant takes the lead:
“Hello, friend. We are looking for a man named Katan Altius, a Master Magician. He is guilty of treason against the Empire, a very serious fact in these times of war.
We’ve been looking for him for several days and he’s been reported here in the moors. Do you have any information to give us about him?”

The peasant is suspicious, he says he knows nothing, and that he would rather see the soldiers far away from here. That the village is quiet and that they don’t want trouble, especially not with the Imperial Army.

Sergeant Kerbot is furious.
“The Imperial Army has every right to be here, you are only subjects of His Majesty the Emperor, to whom you owe respect.”
“We are looking for a fugitive who refuses to join our forces and would rather let brave soldiers die than put his power at their service. If you are not prepared to cooperate, we will disregard your recommendations.

“Go ahead, boys, search the houses!”
The sergeant gives the order and at once the soldiers rushes towards the buildings.

A small group goes to search one of the thatched cottages, taking a quick glance out the window before cautiously going inside.
The power of a magician is not to be taken lightly, and the soldiers know only too well what they are capable of, even far away from a battlefield.

While the first group is in the first the house, a second group, led by the Sergeant, is about to enter another cottage.

“Be careful going in there, boys. You never know…”
But the cottage is empty, just like the rest of the village.
The Sergeant gathered his men on the central square, in front of the memorial shrine.

“Well, gentlemen, this village is completely devoid of any magicians. And according to my old mustache, there’s no more magician in this area than there is in a cow’s asshole. Let’s get the burdock back and take off. I think the magician went to hide on the high moor. We’ll bivouac out in the open tonight.”

And the troop passed on its way, the magician was still not caught, and the moor offered many hiding places for a lonely man.
Sooner or later they will find him, the sergeant thought. It won’t be an easy task, but it is the mission the Emperor has imposed on him, and he doesn’t intend to disappoint him…

One comment:

  • Boris Armeni on November 13, 2020 at 10:31 am Reply

    *claps enthusiastically*
    Wonderful! Wonderful! Oh Lethis, my favourite Steampunk universe, now expanding… sort of.

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