Triskell Interactive » Encyclopedia


27 Jul 2018
by Noodle

Good morning, everyone!

We meet again for a new blog post.
As Sinsem pointed out earlier, we are in a somewhat calmer period in terms of production (even though I am working on a big building right now, but it’s a secret).
So I wanted to tell you about one of my crazy graphic designer ideas: What if we made an encyclopedia for Lethis – Path of Progress II?

What do I mean by Encyclopedia?

In fact, I have in mind the idea of a book that would gather both gameplay information (what the inhabitants need to evolve their house, what are the ideal pattern of a neighborhood etc.) but also information about the background of the universe and a whole bunch of cool illustrations and fake ads.
Kind of like a Victorian publication.

I do not know what form such a project could take.
Would it be an encyclopedia available in game, or would it be a physical object, a real book to buy to help us, or a reward for participatory funding (or all of that).
This encyclopedia is only an idea at the moment but I think it would be great to be able to make a book in the universe of Lethis.
Of course, it’s only a draft for now, but here’s what an encyclopedia page might look like:

We could also imagine adding to the encyclopedia small fake ads from the Lethis universe, which would refer to industries that we could find in game:

Here are some examples of what I have in mind.

Tell us in the comments or on our Discord ( what you think of such an object, if you would like it or if on the contrary you find the idea completely off topic with the game and the universe of Lethis.

We’ll see you soon for a new article!

Take care of yourself for this hot summer.




  • Mina on August 7, 2018 at 3:31 pm Reply

    I think the idea is great and I also love your art and designs! Hope you guys can make it work, so we can enjoy Lethis – Path of Progress II 😀

  • LadyBerry on July 28, 2018 at 10:38 am Reply

    Idée très sympathique ! Autant in-game qu’en version physique 😉
    Et puis, ça peut plaire autant aux collectionneurs qu’aux autres, vu que c’est un outil utile pour évoluer dans le jeu.

    • Noodle on August 2, 2018 at 8:22 pm Reply

      Merci pour le message ! On pense qu’effectivement ça peut plaire à plusieurs publics. On va voir ce qu’on fait de cette idée ^^

  • Krisada on July 28, 2018 at 5:12 am Reply

    And now I’m totally into having a pledge that give you ads in the game.

  • Cassie on July 28, 2018 at 2:27 am Reply

    Would this idea work in a wiki format, perhaps…? It’d be cool to have an official one that’s consistently made to read as part of the game world.

    • Noodle on August 2, 2018 at 8:24 pm Reply

      It’s to think, but graphically it’s difficult to have a “grimoire” rendering.

  • Tanguy on July 27, 2018 at 11:49 pm Reply


    First of all, this is for me one of the greatest news of 2018 (I just learned about it). Thanks to the both of you !

    In my opinion, an encyclopedia is a marvellous idea and could easily be an in-game task to complete by accomplishing some achievements. Also it could be sold if it were nicely printed.

    Keep up the good work, and please keep us updated !


    • Noodle on August 2, 2018 at 8:25 pm Reply

      Thank you for your message ! We will give the best of ourselves :p

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